3 Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know

Seed Web3 Daily
2 min readMay 27, 2022


27 May | #Goblin #NFT

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#NFT Investors are now roleplaying as goblins to cope with crash

#24-hour transaction volume of goblintown.wtf exceeds 8 million US dollars

#ApeCoin’s proposal on the use of APE Foundation IP to develop commodities for income generation starts voting

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虽然最近的不可替代代币(NFT)的市场低迷,但一个名叫“Goblintown.wtf”的NFT系列却在上周末的销售额达到3800 ETH(700万美元),昨日的交易量更是达到八亿美元,成为NFT项目中的销量王。在没有任何营销炒作,甚至没有自己的社群频道的情况下,这个系列依靠着超高收益和新奇的玩法受到投资者的爆炸式追捧,在短短五天内成功拿下了OpenSea的“榜一”。什么是哥布林镇(Goblintown)?哥布林镇是一个在以太坊区块链上,于今年5月22日推出的10,000个NFT系列的集合。罕见的是,在众多以吃开发团队光环红利的NFT艺术项目中,目前,哥布林镇背后的开发和创作团队的身份尚不明朗。这个标榜着“哥布林模式”的NFT——即处于惰性或者是因厌恶外出的缘故而“活得很糙”的人们——的定位,激发了许多在新冠疫情下需要隔离的投资者的共鸣。 哥布林镇是下一个NFT神话?匿名开发者希望能够通过哥布林镇打造全新的NFT概念,在其平台上标榜自己为“三无”团队————无蓝图(No roadmap)、无Discord社群(No Discord)、无实用代币(No utility),并且反其道而行之,告诉投资者不要贪婪盲目地参与到NFT的狂欢中。哥布林镇希望将自己于其他排他性的NFT交易项目区分开来,成为NFT节的一股清流,立志颠覆对“蓝筹股"NFT的刻板印象,并希望能够吸引所有对“严肃”、“无聊”NFT收藏不感兴趣的人。

📃 Highlights

Goblin Town Aims to Revolutionize Meme Industry with Unique Cryptocurrency

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Goblin Town is a deflationary token built on the Ethereum blockchain with the ticker $GT.

“Goblin Town is on a mission to redistribute wealth, restore balance in the financial ecosystem, and supply its holders with a one-way ticket out of Goblin Town.” said a Goblin Town team.

The ERC-20 token has a total circulating supply of 10,000,000,000 $GT. To ensure fairness, the project has held no presale and has no team tokens. Other Goblin Town tokenomics include a 6% buy and sell tax to maintain project growth. In addition, the team has added a unique function that automatically burns liquidity on every transaction.

The Goblin Town project is targeting investors by forming strategic partnerships and targeting its audience. They’ve launched a massive marketing and promotional campaign to familiarize individuals with Goblin Town and help people earn wealth in the current bear market.

The launch of Goblin Town’s unique meme token is a way to embrace a bear market, move forward and carry on. Its mission is to restore balance to the financial ecosystem and help holders successfully emerge from Goblin Town.

Amid Market Downturn, ‘Goblintown’ NFTs Have Their Moment

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As the non-fungible token (NFT) market continues its slide down, down to Goblin Town, an NFT collection of a similar theme has caught fire.The collection, Goblintown.wtf, clocked 3,800 ETH (around $7 million) in sales volume over the weekend, the most of any project during that time.

The “Goblin Town” theme is a crypto colloquialism for the bear market, with both the NFT sector and crypto market at large being hit hard in recent weeks.

Part of the collection’s popularity stems from its unconventional genesis. With little marketing hype or anticipation, the entire collection was free to mint and doesn’t yet have a Discord.

With the collection’s success being so immediate and seemingly well coordinated, many speculate a more established team may be behind the scenes. Some NFT sleuths have even floated the idea of Yuga Labs being involved, though moderators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Discord have denied the connection.



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