3 Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
01 June | Buying the imperishable with the unpredictable.
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#Luxury Apartment Complex in Argentina to Feature a Bitcoin Mining Facility for Residents
#Mystery South Korean Company that ‘Worked on Terra Network’ Faces Media Scrutiny
#WAVES Skyrockets as Details of DeFi Revival Plan Unveiled, Still Down 85% from ATH
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#Realestate #Cryptobuilding #Pampa2.0 Web 3.0时代的房地产?今天,阿根廷的一个房地产项目宣布,将开启”Pampa 2.0项目“,打造一款加密货币用户的专属建筑。什么是Pampa 2.0?Pampa 2.0由阿根廷公司Newlink Capital投资集团创建,是一座24层的加密建筑(Crypto Building),其中的地下室为一个比特币矿场,身为比特币矿工的住户们可以使用建筑内的挖矿机,无需承担额外的挖矿成本。而若是加密货币的价格上涨,开发商将会在居民间平分盈余,吸引加密货币的狂热粉丝入住。将目光转向大厅,Pampa 2.0的大厅将会以不同的NFT艺术作品作为装饰。这些装饰品将属于Pampa 2.0的居委会和所有房主。同时,Pampa 2.0 也将会利用可持续发展能源,让用户仅需支付比低50%的电费便能如常用电。目前,Pampa 2.0 的房地产项目已经预先启动,将于 2022 年年中开始建设。这座加密货币大楼有100 多套,包括 2bhk(即Bedroom,Hall & Kitchen), 3bhk和 4bhk类型的公寓。每平方米价值为 2,500 美元。换言之,在这栋 Pampa 2.0 加密公寓楼中,加密投资者支付约 120,000 美元便可购买 2bhk 公寓。但是,这个项目仍然有其局限性。目前,Pampa 2.0的基础为比特币,但是比特币或是任何虚拟货币都有着极强的波动性和不可预测性,导致每日的"房价"会忽高忽低,为了解决这个问题,Pampa 2.0需要建立自己的、且能被市场接受的定价机制,而这是十分困难的。
📃 Highlights
Smart Building Planned to Mining Bitcoin: Next Pampa 2.0
This building, which is described as a smart building, is aimed to provide profit to property owners in the best scenario by incorporating all the necessary equipment for Bitcoin mining. Let’s take a closer look at the details about the Next Pampa 2.0 project.
The most important feature of Next Pampa 2.0 in Argentina is that it is the first residential building whose name is mentioned with the concept of crypto. This project, which is also mentioned as a “smart building” in foreign media, will have a Bitcoin mining rig system in the basement, which is powered by solar energy, in addition to attracting architectural attention with its 24 floors.
In addition to providing an additional income to property owners, the Bitcoin mining system, whose priority is to cover the maintenance expenses of the building, will also be used to heat common areas such as the gym in the building.
Damian Lopo, the founder of Newlink Capital company in the management of the project and the main project developer of Next Pampa 2.0, calculated an average price of Bitcoin in the last 12 months and scaled the mining operation according to this average price, thus reducing the building costs
Luxury Apartment Complex in Argentina to Feature a Bitcoin Mining Facility for Residents
The project’s developers claimed that it was going to invest between USD 10m and USD 15m in the venture, which will be operated by the MCL architecture studio. Pampa 2.0 will have 9 floors and 32 apartments, as well as a restaurant on the ground floor.
But the building will also be equipped with “between five and 10 machines that mine cryptocurrencies.” A contract has also been sealed with “a company that is in charge of operating” the machines and which will take an undisclosed percentage of the coins in exchange.
The developer added that its goal was to generate enough income from the mining operations to pay for living expenses — and even exceed this amount to leave residents with a profit.