Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
08 July #NFT #Developers #DeFi&Trading
Reddit is launching a new NFT avatar marketplace
Reddit is launching a new NFT-based avatar marketplace today that allows you to purchase blockchain-based profile pictures for a fixed rate. The company said that you need not have a crypto wallet to buy them, so your credit or debit card should be enough…(Read More)
NFT startups hire full-time ‘vibe managers’ to lift the mood amid crypto collapse
To shore things up, NFT projects have turned to a new kind of role: the vibes manager. Also known at some companies as a “Chief Vibes Officer” or “Director of Vibes”, the vibes manager is something of a cross between a marketer, influencer and investor relations officer…(Read More)
🔗 Developers
Decentralized Mixer Tornado Cash Makes Its User Interface Open-Source
去中心化混币Tornado Cash将其用户界面开源
Today, the Tornado Cash community announced a fully open-sourced user interface (UI) for Tornado Cash Classic. This means any public contributor interested in improving the design can simply review the code and make pull requests through its GitHub…(Read More)
SSV DAO to Distribute $10M in Grants for Staking Projects Ahead of Ethereum Merge
SSV DAO将在以太坊合并前为股权项目分配1000万美元的款项
SSV DAO, the decentralized autonomous organization behind decentralized staking infrastructure ssv.network, will distribute $10 million in grants to development teams working on decentralizing Ethereum’s consensus layer in preparation for the network’s long-anticipated transition to a proof-of-stake model, scheduled for August…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
US Treasury Develops ‘Framework’ for International Crypto Regulation
The U.S. Treasury Department published a fact sheet Thursday outlining how it could work with foreign regulators to address the cryptocurrency sector. The fact sheet, which is the first report published by the department as a result of U.S. President Joe Biden’s executive order on crypto…(Read More)
Bitcoin Climbs Above $21K for First Time in a Week
Bitcoin (BTC) lifted above $21,000 for the first time in over a week and was up 7.2% over the past 24 hours in Thursday trading. Most major altcoins also gained with Internet Computer’s ICP and Polygon’s MATIC leading the charts..(Read More)
🔍 Learn
#Crypto #Regulations #Framework #Biden
美元的主导地位让美国在全球货币体系里拥有更大的话语权,作为“世界警察”的美国在当地时间7月7日,在其国家财政部的主导下公布了一个数字资产国际合作框架(Framework for International Engagement on Digital Assets,下称“合作框架”),力求通过跨机构、跨国境的方法,来对数字资产的使用和交易进行全球标准化。
该合作框架以美国总统拜登于今年3月的行政命令作为主要指导方向,涵盖六项关键目标:消费者&投资人保护、金融稳定、打击非法活动、提升美国在该领域的竞争能力、普惠金融(Inclusive Financing)与负责人创新。
同时,行政命令要求对美国央行发布“央行数字货币”(Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC)所需的技术基础设施进行评估,在数字化经济的急速发展之下,CBDC的发行有望成为不同支付系统之间的安全桥梁,更有助于巩固美元的国际地位。但是,无论是加密货币或是央行数字货币,都必须具有简化和促进跨境支付的特征,届时,将需要进行大量的国际协调工作。
1. 七国集团(G7):探讨落实CBDC的所需的新技术与对货币体系的影响
2. G20:与其他的G20主要经济体合作,减少对跨境支付和“去中心化”监管的力度,并且共同开发更快、更便宜和更透明的国际支付系统
3. 金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board,FSB):以FSB为平台,评估推出并推动检测和促进数字资产所带来的风险,并且对各国的政策应对方式进行讨论
4. 金融行动特别工作组 (FATF) 和金融情报单位埃格蒙特集团(FIU):FATF将指定防止洗钱、恐怖主义融资和扩散融资的国际标准;FIU则共享金童情报,以支持FATF的工作
5. 经济合作与发展组织 (OECD):作为美国的论坛,与其他民主国家进行交流
6. 国际货币基金组织 (IMF):合作关注宏观金融政策(特别与数字货币相关的)对国际货币体系的影响
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14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
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