Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know

Seed Web3 Daily
3 min readJun 16, 2022


16 June #NFT #Game-Fi #Metaverse #DeFi&Trading

Three Arrows (Source: Protos)

NFT Market Sees Mixed Results: Floor Prices Fall in 24H, Overall Sales Increase in a Week

The market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is seeing a very mixed picture amid the broader crypto market downturn — a small relief rally in the floor prices was recorded in the past day by a couple of major collections with others continue to decline, and the overall trading volume for the majority of these has risen over the past week…(Read More)

OpenSea Claims Users Can Save 35% in Gas Cost Following Migration to Seaport

The marketplace is migrating to a new Web 3 marketplace protocol called Seaport, which is designed to enable users to trade digital assets “safely and efficiently,” according to a recent announcement…(Read More)

👾 Game-Fi
Yield Guild Games walks away from Merit Circle with 10 times its investment following ouster
在被驱逐后,Yield Guild Games带着10倍的投资金离开了Merit Circle

Play-to-earn giant Merit Circle (MC) will pay out $1,750,000 to Yield Guild Games (YGG) as a settlement, after the company’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) voted to remove YGG as an investor…(Read More)

🌖 Metaverse
Yahoo launching Metaverse events for Hong Kong residents under restrictions

Yahoo, a US-based internet media company, revealed that it will host a series of virtual events and concerts for Hong Kong residents in the Decentraland metaverse. On Thursday last week, a nation-wide mandate was introduced requiring that a negative Covid test be provided to enter all public venues such bars and restaurants…(Read More)

📈 DeFi & Trading
After Terra and Celsius, Crypto Market Now Might Be Hit With Three Arrows
继Terra和Celsius之后,加密货币市场可能会遭到 “三支箭” 袭击

The major crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC) is rumored to be insolvent, with reports suggesting the firm has already faced massive liquidations and on-chain data indicating large sales of ethereum (ETH) staked on staking provider Lido in the past week…(Read More)

SBF’s FTX Manages to Overtake Coinbase and OKX in Spot Trading Volume in May 2002

Sam Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency trading platform FTX has managed to overtake two major cryptocurrency exchanges in spot trading last month: Coinbase and OKX…(Read More)

🔍 Learn
#ThreeArrowsCapital #CelsiusNetwork #stETH

继Terra和Celsius之后,新加坡大型加密货币对冲基金三箭资本(Three Arrows Capital, 3AC)可能会面临同样的境地。虽然3AC的投资组合包括多种不同的代币,例如AAVE、BAT和LIDO等,但有报道称,在市场的波动下,该公司已经面临资不抵债的困境,等待他们的,是大规模的清算。

3AC Logo (Source:FinNotes)


1. LUNA投资失利

在今年2月,前“币圈茅台”LUNA的团队Luna Foundation Guard宣布完成10亿美元的投资,而3AC作为其中的领头投资机构之一,崩盘对3AC产生了巨大而广泛的后果。当时,3AC以5.596亿美元的价格收购了1090万的LUNA现在被贬至670.45美元。因此,市场普遍认为,3AC在Luna投资失利是导致公司周转不良的主要原因。

2. Celcius Network & stETH与ETH的严重脱钩

Celsius Network 的近况也对更广泛的市场状况产生了影响。就在今天早上,作为比特币和加密货币的投资和贷款平台Celsius Network宣布无限期暂停所有提款。据称,该决定是为了“社区稳定流动性和运营”的利益而做出的决定。

在Celsius Network引发stETH的用户信任危机之前,它与3AC同为stETH数字资产的最大持有人之一。

MARKET UPDATE: Celsius, yes it’s bad (Source: The Defiant/Youtube)

stETH是由Lido发行的流动性质押(Liquid Staking)代币,简单而言,当信标链正式上线后,拥有stETH的用户便能在Lido(一个质押协议平台)上兑换1:1的以太币(ETH),并收到相应的质押收益。按理说,若是Lido不出现跑路、暴雷等特殊情况,1枚stETH的远期价值会大于1枚ETH,而且会稳定在1:1的兑换率上。但是,stETH最大持有人之一的Celsius Network却引发了前所未有的用户信任危机。

2021年,Celsius Network与质押服务商Stakehound合作,抵押了平台上超过4万枚ETH,但其中一部分的ETH却因为Stakehound的管理失误而无法找回,相当于ETH因为管理不当而“蒸发”了,Celsius Network因此有数额不小的损失,但是却粉饰太平,没有向用户说明情况,在毫无预警地被爆料后引发了用户恐慌,导致大量用户开始抛售stETH,stETH的价格随之大幅下降,与ETH的价格脱钩。


在 6 月 14 日凌晨,3AC同样以贱价出售了价值至少 4000 万美元的 Lido 质押ETH,使其成为过去一周最大的代币卖家。破屋更遭连夜雨,根据区块链取证公司PeckShield的数据显示,与3AC有关以太币在今天已经被清算,截至当前为止,ETH的交易价格已经在当天下跌近16%,一周内下跌44%。

而面对市场的忧虑和怀疑,3AC联合创始人在6月15日发推文表示: “我们正在与相关方进行沟通,并完全致力于解决这个问题。”


🔥 Events

14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
We will be there and do live broadcast for premium members,
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Seed Web3 Daily
Seed Web3 Daily

Written by Seed Web3 Daily

3 news & 1 deep dive in the Web3 world, everyday.

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