Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know

Seed Web3 Daily
3 min readJun 17, 2022


17 June #NFT #Developers #Metaverse #DeFi&Trading

Cudos (Source:coinquora)

TAG Heuer to Allow Users to Display NFTs on Their Smartwatches

Watchmaker TAG Heuer has partnered with the well-known nonfungible token (NFT) community surrounding Bored Ape Yacht Club and CLONE-X to create a smartwatch that displays NFTs and connects to crypto wallets such as MetaMask and Ledger Live…(Read More)

Social networking platform purchases NFT worth $1,24 million as its brand ambassador

Btok social media application users have grown to include more than 10,000,000 from 2,000,000, with an income growing in proportion from 15 to 50 million. With promising numbers under its belt, the team shares its mission to become one of the biggest social media platforms around the world, with a member of the BAYC leading the charge…(Read More)

Global compute network announces mainnet launch to solve fundamental problems with cloud services

Bridging this gap is Cudos, a project positioned to disrupt the market as a scalable computing network while simultaneously offering a professional mining platform. With its mainnet launch, the project is placing the industry one step closer to solving fundamental problems with cloud computing…(Read More)

🌖 Metaverse
Metaverse could be worth $5 trillion by 2030: McKinsey report

Published yesterday, the 77-page report titled “Value Creation in the Metaverse” analyzed current adoption trends and drew additional insight from two global surveys; one gathered data from 3,104 consumers across 11 countries, while the other polled a range of executives from 448 companies across 15 industries in 10 different countries…(Read More)

📈 DeFi & Trading
BlockFi Took Part in Liquidating Three Arrows: Report

The Financial Times reports that the crypto lending company BlockFi is one firm that was involved in the situation. BlockFi “was among the groups that liquidated at least some of 3AC’s positions,” the Times said on Thursday. No other companies have confirmed involvement in 3AC’s liquidation…(Read More)

Finblox Imposes Withdrawal Limit Amid 3AC’s Uncertainty

Finblox announced Thursday it will impose a $1,500 monthly withdrawal limit and pause reward distribution amid Three Arrows Capital’s crisis The news came after Wednesday’s report that 3AC is facing potential insolvency after a $400 million liquidation Crypto yield generator Finblox imposed its first monthly withdrawal limit — a relatively paltry $1,500…(Read More)

🔍 Learn
#ETH #Cudos #Mainnet-launch

不可否认的是,互联网已经成为当代人生活中不可或缺的一部分,但是互联网的中心化特点让信息单点故障成为极大的隐患。因此,以太坊等区块链应运而生,但也引发了另外一个问题 — — 部署速度过慢,费用非常昂贵。有可拓展性问题,易形成网络瓶颈,无法从根本上解决计算的基本问题。

在众多解决方案下,有一个面向所有人的去中心化+无需许可的云计算网络 — — Cudos项目脱颖而出,成为了首个能够在Cosmos上运行的NFT网络。

Cudos Logo (Source:Cudos)

该项目于2017年启动,创始人为英国著名企业家Matt Hawkins。初创团队阵容强大,包括索尼娱乐前总裁Chris Deering、AMD区块链总监Jorg Roskowetz,以及Uber和阿里巴巴的早期投资者Maggie Fang。

一言以蔽之,Cudos致力于通过云计算服务优化区块链和智能合约的性能,其副总裁Nuno Pereire认为,Cudos是云计算和区块链技术之间的“一座桥梁”,它能利用全球的已有算力,赋能一个更加去中心化、可持续发展和互联互通的世界。


Cudos Network Overview (Source: Cudos/Youtube)

通过Cudos,用户能够获得比中心化云服务更加安全、低成本的云计算服务,赋予传统计算行业另类的可扩展性和灵活性,能够让全球闲置算力资源得到最大限度的利用。除了互操作性之外,Cudos的矿工费用也更低,可以进一步地优化加密货币和NFT 交易。此外,由于 Cudos 同时作为原生代币运行,用户可以将其用于质押、运行验证器节点(Validator Nodes)或是参与链上生态治理。

在迁移到 Cudos 主网之后,它也将与 Cudo 计算平台进行融合,为游戏、NFT 和元界提供可扩展、可靠且可负担的云计算服务。

🔥 Events

14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
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Seed Web3 Daily

Written by Seed Web3 Daily

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