Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know

Seed Web3 Daily
2 min readJun 10, 2022


10 June #NFT #Developers #Metaverse #DeFi&Trading

Terra 2.0 and Do Kwon (Source:CryptoSlate)

Mastercard brings its payment network to Web3 and NFTs

Mastercard will be introducing its payment network to Web3 and will allow users to purchase NFTs using their debit and credit cards…(Read More)

‘Stranger Things’ Netflix NFTs Face Fan Backlash

While some enjoyed the Candy Digital minigame that awarded NFTs, others called the promotion “trash.”…(Read More)

🔗 Developers
Cardano founders decide to add an additional testing tool to their network
Following the LUNA crash, the Cardano founders decided to add an additional testing tool to their network…(Read More)

🌖 Metaverse
‘The metaverse will empower human beings’, declares Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways announced Tuesday that it had launched its first metaverse experience, QVerse. This virtual reality platform allows interested parties can virtually visit and navigate the Premium Check-in area at the International Airport of Hamad (HIA)….(Read More)

📈 DeFi & Trading
Bullish Sentiment Returns to Gold as Bitcoin Underperforms
Bullish sentiment has seemingly returned among retail investors in the gold market, after what has now been five months of strong outperformance of bitcoin (BTC) by gold in 2022….(Read More)

LUNA 2.0 crashes 85% since relaunch as investors unmoved by ‘new start’
LUNA 2.0自上市以来暴跌85%,投资者对重新开始无动于衷
The attempt to recover from the collapse of Terraform Labs’ stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) and its native token Terra (LUNA) got off to a bumpy start as LUNA 2.0 experienced a price correction of 67%…(Read More)

🔍 Learn
#Terra2.0 #LUNA

在上个月,Terra的断崖式崩盘占据了各大新闻的版面,继TerraUST脱钩后,最初的LUNA代币完全失去了其价值,造成币安(Binance)公司损失超过16亿美元,投资者资金损失超过400亿美元。但是,即使在这样的全面崩盘情况下,Terra的联合创始人Do Kwon仍然决定推出复兴计划。


起步艰难的LUNA 2.0。

在首个 24 小时内,LUNA 2.0跌破70% ,维持在低于 11 美元的价格。与之前的辉煌相比,目前的价格情况可以说是惨不忍睹——在 5 月 6 日 TerraUSD (UST) 稳定币与美元脱钩前,一枚LUNA的售价大约为 86 美元。

在上周,Terra 的 LUNA 2.0 代币价格再次跌至 5 美元以下。自重新启动以来,LUNA 2.0 稳定地持续下跌,在 Terra 生态系统通过空投重新激活后,更是一度从 19.53 美元的高位下跌了 -84.74%。在过去的24小时内,价格下跌12.3%,维持在3.03 美元的价格和7.9 亿美元的总市值。

LUNA 2.0为什么失败?

尽管对LUNA 2.0 价格暴跌众说纷纭,也不排除加密市场的总体表现下滑的缘故,但是更多人将矛头指向联合创始人Do Kwon。除了被曝通过空壳公司洗钱而陷入司法纠纷外,更多人认为只要Do Kwon在位一天,Terra就不可能重拾信心。一位自称是Terra内部人员的网民“FatMan”在推特上指责Do Kwon 和 Terraform Labs联合起来欺骗支持者,其不诚信的所作所为更是促使韩国成立了一个严格监管加密市场的委员会,让许多支持者心生不满。

LUNA 2.0算是成功还是失败?(来源:Crypto Banter/Youtube)

🔥 Events

14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
We will be there and do live broadcast for premium members,
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