Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
01 Aug #NFT #Metaverse #GameFi #DeFi&Trading
Ticketmaster scouts productization of enterprise NFTs beyond ticketing
Ticketmaster’s job posting for a product manager of NFT ticketing tooling reveals the company’s intent to roll out NFT-based enterprise products “across all content categories including sports and music.”…(Read More)
Tiffany & Co turning CryptoPunk NFTs into $50K custom pendants
Tiffany & Co将CryptoPunk NFTs变成5万美元的定制吊坠
Luxury jewelry brand Tiffany & Co has announced the sale of 250 diamond and gemstone encrusted pendants for CryptoPunk non-fungible token (NFT) holders. The handcrafted CryptoPunk pendants were announced by the jewelry brand on July 31 on Twitter, and are priced at 30 ETH, equivalent to $50,600 each at the time of writing…(Read More)
🌖 Metaverse
Hong Kong university to inaugurate mixed reality classroom in Metaverse
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) announced to host the launch party of a virtual reality classroom over on the Metaverse on September 1. The launch marks the commencement of HKUST’s plan to promote immersive learning by building a virtual campus in the Metaverse, to be called MetaHKUST…(Read More)
👾 Game-Fi
GameFi and Metaverse least affected by Terra debacle: Report
Blockchain games and NFT-related Metaverse projects “managed to sidestep the ensuing bear market” by posting transaction count increases of 9.5% and 27% respectively in Q2…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
Ethiopia’s Best Chance at Adopting Bitcoin
Project Mano, an Ethiopian group lobbying the government to embrace Bitcoin, published an open letter to Samson Mow — and what’s more, Mow responded. The group calls itself a movement started by Bitcoiner Ethiopians looking to orange pill their government. Their initial proposal to the Ethiopian Prime Minister was written in 2020, when the price of Bitcoin was just $10k USD…(Read More)
Blockchain security firm warns of new MetaMask phishing campaign
The firm analyzed scam emails it received in late July to warn users of the new scam. Halborn noted that at initial glance, the email looks authentic with a MetaMask header and logo, and with messages that tell users to comply with KYC regulations and how to verify their wallets…(Read More)
🔍 Learn
#bluechip #NFT
所谓的“蓝筹股”,就是指业绩优良、经济实力强大的主导性股票。对于不了解NFT领域的人而言,听到 NFT 被标记为“蓝筹股”似乎很奇怪。在传统市场中,蓝筹股是指质量最高、被广泛认可并拥有良好业绩记录的公司和股票,是已经存在了一段时间的安全投资。但是NFT作为一个新兴行业,NFT 的存在时间还不够长,无法在更主流的市场中获得蓝筹股的地位。尽管如此,蓝筹描述符在 NFT 空间中被广泛使用,以表示一个项目具有很高的地位并且是非常可取的。
蓝筹股对于NFT而言是什么?在 TradFi 中,蓝筹股都是“长虹股”,但是鉴于NFT的产出时间太短,并不符合蓝筹股的标准。例如著名的CryptoPunks和Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC),都是分别于2017和 2021 年 4 月出现。因此,当人们指一个NFT是“蓝筹股” — — “蓝筹NFT”的时候,他们意味着该项目将在未来保持高价值。而现在的蓝筹NFT,最广受承认的,就是CryptoPunks和BAYC了。
1. 艺术
2. 艺术家与品牌
3. 开发人员和实用程序
4. 底价与销量
5. 名人代言
6. 社区
NFT和以太坊的困境。4月30日,总部位于迈阿密的Yuga Labs通过出售1万个无聊猿游艇俱乐部(Bored Ape Yacht Club)NFT筹集了2.85亿美元,这些NFT将用于在尚未推出的虚拟世界或元宇宙Otherside中兑换虚拟土地。但数据网站Nonfungible.com的信息显示,同一天仅售出了38,000个NFT,较去年秋天的历史最高水平下降了90%。虽然无聊猿游艇俱乐部NFT的销售非常成功,可这实际上凸显出了以太坊区块链底层的一个众所周知的弱点:高昂的Gas费用。以太坊对处理交易收取费用,根据提供的金额自动排序。提供较少Gas费的交易商将在愿意支付更多费用的交易商之后得到处理。根据QZ的一份报告,在最近一次无聊猿游艇俱乐部的出售中,交易商总计支付了1.81亿美元的Gas费,其中一些人支付的费用比实际资产的费用高出七倍。
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