Daily Web3 Headlines You Need To Know
14 June #NFT #Game-Fi #Metaverse #DeFi&Trading
AEW’s Paige VanZant drops innovative 3D NFTs
AEW选手Paige VanZant发布创新3D NFTs
Designed to be used with a Quest 2 VR headset, the NFTs are fully interactive 3D videos where viewers can zoom in, “spin me around” — whatever that means — and explore the shoot location in a way typical non-fungible tokens or the pop art monkeys typically associated with them don’t allow…(Read More)
Bored Ape NFTs Face Steep Declines in Broad Cryptoasset Rout
The NFT Index, which tracks the performance of nonfungible tokens and is weighted based on each token’s circulating supply, fell about 23% in the past 24 hours…(Read More)
🔗 Game-Fi
StreamCoin Launches Registration Campaign for STRMNFT Video NFT Marketplace
StreamCoin, a blockchain-based protocol that leverages decentralized instruments to change the narrative in the video streaming segment, jumps on the NFT bandwagon.In the coming weeks, video creators will be able to experiment with its feeless tool for turning their content into NFTs…(Read More)
Japan’s legendary animator to launch identity-defining NFT brand BOSO Tokyo
日本传奇动画师将推出身份绑定的NFT品牌——BOSO Tokyo
BOSO TOKYO announces the launch of the NFT project “BOSO TOKYO”, an identity-defining brand in the Metaverse. BOSO TOKYO is an NFT brand that aims to build avatars that can be used as a common identity in multiple metaverses…(Read More)
🌖 Metaverse
ZED RUN founder envisions user narrative-driven Metaverse
ZED RUN创始人设想一个由用户叙事驱动的元宇宙
Chris Laurent, the founder of the popular digital horse racing game ZED RUN, envisions a future where people will spend their free time developing their own unique narratives within the Metaverse…(Read More)
📈 DeFi & Trading
Crypto-related Criminal Cases Rise by 40% Year-on-Year in Russia
Per the media outlet Izvestia, researchers from the cybersecurity outfit RTM Group compiled a report showing that 1,531 legal cases related to cryptoassets were launched last year — although these varied in topic from crypto exchange-related matters to illegal crypto mining…(Read More)
Can this recovery rally signal trigger 15% bounce for Shiba Inu price?
Shiba Inu price has been stuck producing lower lows since October 28, 2021. While the lower low formation might not breathe a sigh of relief or recovery, BTC’s bounce of 6.5% in the last two hours signals that a potential recovery rally seems to be in place…(Read More)
🔍 Learn
美国AEW的著名摔跤手和顶级球队成员Paige VanZent昨日推出了一个新的NFT系列。有趣的是,这个可以通过以太坊购买的新NFT系列,竟被称为NFT行业的改革者。这一个新的3D NFT旨在和Quest 2虚拟现实耳机一起搭配使用,让观众可以进入到一段可完全互动的3D视频内。
但是,VanZent推出的NFT并不是首次推出的3D NFT。
在3D NFT被创造至今,3D NFT总是因其技术问题而让人却步。以资深摄影师Siraj Hassan为例,他将作品转换为3D NFT过程并不像看起来那么简单。首先,每件艺术品都必须首先通过区块链进行验证。在开始售卖之前,他必须花钱将手上有的法币转换为数字货币才能到链上验证。 而最终售卖的过程也没有想象中的那么火热,他用了三周的时间才成功售卖第一件作品。
为什么3D NFT不受欢迎?以常识论,3D 图像可以轻松模拟逼真的灯光和场景。因此,理论上而言,3D NFT可以创建更多逼真的图像。但是以光影质感为卖点的3D NFT成了一把双刃剑。以HypeBearClub为例,在推出之初,因在开箱后的质感劣质导致价格紧跟着暴跌。其他制作精美的3D NFT也难逃跌价的命运,以C01为例,它虽然呈现了类似真人的皮肤质感,其质量和细节确实令人惊叹,但是每一个3D NFT的同质化非常严重,玩家无法像购买平面NFT一般,获得独一无二的艺术品,在开箱后价格也暴跌。
在技术上,3D NFT的生成比平面NFT困难很多,生产方式也不成熟。一般的NFT只需要考虑整体的效果,在原来的位置做出不同的属性,比如眼睛、嘴巴、发型、衣服等便能组合出独一无二的NFT产品,但3D NFT却不行。在制作过程中,3D NFT考虑的是整体因素,几乎每一次更动都需要对画面进行重构,完全不能像普通平面NFT一样快速且精准地产出。
🔥 Events
14 July World Blockchain Summit 2022 @ Singapore
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